St. Francis, the medieval monk who would go on to create the Franciscan Order was a man trying to live out his faith in a troubling time of transition; a time when the church’s reputation was bad and many were disillusioned by its focus on money and power, not unlike what we face today.
Starting next Wednesday, September 18 at 9 p.m., Pastor Jay will lead a conversation about the book, Chasing Francis, A Pilgrim’s Tale _by Ian Morgan Cron which examines what St. Francis might say to the church of today. If you are interested in the future of the church in general and the ministry of our church, we encourage you to be a part of this conversation as we think together about who God is calling us to be today.
You can participate in-person at Trinity UMC in Montpelier, VT or via Zoom (link below)
You can order the book in your preferred format at Amazon via or let Jay know if you need him to order a copy.
For more information and to sign up for the class, email Jay at [email protected]
Zoom Info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 8925 6393
Passcode: 588567
To participate by phone dial (305) 224-1968 and use the credentials above.
Starting next Wednesday, September 18 at 9 p.m., Pastor Jay will lead a conversation about the book, Chasing Francis, A Pilgrim’s Tale _by Ian Morgan Cron which examines what St. Francis might say to the church of today. If you are interested in the future of the church in general and the ministry of our church, we encourage you to be a part of this conversation as we think together about who God is calling us to be today.
You can participate in-person at Trinity UMC in Montpelier, VT or via Zoom (link below)
You can order the book in your preferred format at Amazon via or let Jay know if you need him to order a copy.
For more information and to sign up for the class, email Jay at [email protected]
Zoom Info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 8925 6393
Passcode: 588567
To participate by phone dial (305) 224-1968 and use the credentials above.