Trinity Community Thrift Store Volunteers are very dedicated and they strive for Excellence in everything they do. Each of us has expertise in certain areas. Thrift Store volunteers can volunteer as much as they wish as their schedules allow. Most of them volunteer One, Two or Three days a week, and each workday, they could be assigned a specific task or multiple tasks, depending on need.
Individuals that wish to volunteer to work in the Trinity Community Thrift Store must be properly screened before they can volunteer to work with us. The reason for this is due to a recent policy change. Also, this new policy allows for us to gather important information, Experience, Skills, Interests, Likes, Dislikes and other miscellaneous information. Any information gathered during this process will only be shared with appropriate Church and Thrift Store Personnel, and anyone designated an “Emergency Contact.”
In the past, the Thrift Store would receive requests to obtain something from the store, in consideration for “working off” the item by donating time to the Thrift Store. We will NO LONGER allow someone to “work off” items that they want or need. If someone shows need for an item, we will work with them, and will give appropriate items to qualifying individuals.
- Volunteers MUST fill out our Volunteer Application to be considered. You can speak to any Staff Member to get more information about what we do, what we may need, or to get this application.
- Volunteers MUST be 21 years of age or over to work in the Thrift Store.
- Volunteers MUST be in “Good Standing” with the Church in order to work for the Thrift Store. Anyone who is not in good standing will not be permitted to work with us.
- TUMC may ask for further information from us, or from any volunteer that wishes to work with us. If additional information is needed, we will let you know.
- The Thrift Store uses a “contact list” for our staff and volunteers. Information that appears on this list would be Name, Position, E-Mail Address, and Phone Numbers. (Landline and Cell).
- Volunteers, in the course of their work may be privy to information or correspondence that is of a confidential nature. Volunteers will NOT disclose confidential information – What is said in the Thrift Store Stays There.
- Volunteers must be willing to comply with reasonable requests that come from the Church Trustees, Food Pantry Staff or Church Staff.
- Communication is KEY: Volunteers should always keep the Lines of Communication Open – If you have a problem, we ask that you come to a staff member to discuss it. We cannot solve problems if we are unaware of them.
- Volunteering should not be stressful – Everyone is a member of our team – Everyone has input, ideas, and may have different ways of doing things. Just because it has always been done a certain way does not mean that it will not change. Being tolerant of each other is important to us, because if people are stressed, they cannot work to their full potential.
- UPDATE (October 18, 2022): We will be working to set up a system to let volunteers and potential volunteers know of opportunities to assist us in the store or with Community Events, such as Outside Sales, which are held throughout the year, We would like to be able to set up a mailing list or texting protocol to alert volunteers of work shifts and other important tasks. This way, everyone is aware of available opportunities to help us. Brian will confer with Church staff to see if/how this can work for this purpose.
Thank You for your interest and we look forward to working with You!